CapU staff and students, as well as everyone else on the North Shore, would benefit greatly from Bus rapid Transit, writes university president Paul Dangerfield. Dear Editor: I am one...
Bringing rapid transit to the North Shore would be good business for everyone, writes the CAO of Seaspan Shipyards. As a regional economic driver and with a North Shore workforce...
NORTH VANCOUVER – North Shore Connects has launched a campaign to gain support and build excitement for the Metrotown-Park Royal Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). The campaign is designed to show...
Written for Daily Hive Urbanized by Linda Buchanan, who is the mayor of the City of North Vancouver and chair of North Shore Connects, which is a partnership between the District...
NORTH VANCOUVER – North Shore Connects is applauding the Mayors’ Council decision to formally endorse the Metrotown-Park Royal Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line as a prioritized corridor for investment. The...
Written for Daily Hive Urbanized by Linda Buchanan, the mayor of the City of North Vancouver. We all know the frustration of being stuck in traffic. For those who live, work,...
North Shore Connects Requests Burrard Inlet Rapid Transit be Prioritized in the Next Mayors’ Council 10-year Vision and Investment Plan For Immediate Release: February 8, 2022 NORTH VANCOUVER —...
Written for Daily Hive Urbanized by Linda Buchanan, the mayor of the City of North Vancouver. We all want to move from place to place as easily and efficiently as possible....
Municipalities and First Nations Connect to Advance Shared Vision for Improved Transportation on, to and from the North Shore Updated: November 2, 2021 NORTH VANCOUVER — Everyone wants to...
The partners of North Shore Connects released an economic impact study that looked at the benefits of a Burrard Inlet Rapid Transit (BIRT) investment for the North Shore, the Metro...