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The partners of North Shore Connects released an economic impact study that looked at the benefits of a Burrard Inlet Rapid Transit (BIRT) investment for the North Shore, the Metro Vancouver region, as well as provincial and national economies. Important benefits include:

• Shifting approximately 50,000 daily vehicle trips to transit, resulting in decreased congestion, emissions, and collisions.
• A near doubling of jobs accessible within a 60-minute transit ride for North Shore residents.
• Improved connectivity and economic development conditions for four First Nations reserves across the North Shore.

Transport 2050, TransLink’s regional strategy, commits to moving forward with BIRT, a fully traffic-separated rapid transit connection to the North Shore between Park Royal and Metrotown, which was first advocated for by North Shore Connects. North Shore Connects will support TransLink, government agencies, and stakeholders to determine the most appropriate alignment, travel technology and phasing for the project.

Benefits Summary Document (October 2021)

Full Benefits Assessment Report (October 2021)

Burrard Inlet Rapid Transit Study (September 2020)